Lumythrite Ore

Server: Sophia

Last Updated: 6/15/23 5:42:10 PM
Search Category: Stone | Item Category: Stone | Sell price to vendor: 3
More Information

Gathering info:

60 The Churning Mists, Dravania
60 Greensward, Dravania Region: The Churning Mists

296 4,200 4,200 4,400 4,400 44,000 10 29.60
60 High Mythrite Ingot
60 High Mythrite Ingot

Current Prices

Price History

Sophia Cross Server Data for Lumythrite Ore on Materia

Ravana 2,074 57 0 2,074 892 2,326 893 208,926 234 5/13/23 1:33:50 AM
Sephirot 1,369 380 0 1,369 1,748 3,031 1,895 139,840 80 6/20/23 11:48:30 PM
Sophia 4,200 296 0 4,200 4,400 200 4,400 44,000 10 6/15/23 5:42:10 PM
Zurvan 6,000 1 0 6,000 715 -1,600 3,000 58,650 82 4/17/22 3:29:17 PM