Apkallu Omelette

Server: Siren

Last Updated: 8/29/21 1:54:29 PM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 7
More Information

Gathering info:

28 70 400 70 50 50 300 6 4.70

Level 50 Culinarian Recipe for Apkallu Omelette

Fire Cluster 1 56 56 2/1/25 2:20:22 AM
Water Cluster 1 94 94 2/1/25 7:22:40 PM
Mineral Water 1 500 500 2/2/24 2:14:25 AM
Apkallu Egg 1 100 100 6/21/23 7:57:22 AM
Black Truffle 1 9 9 3/14/23 2:50:46 AM
Table Salt 1 30 30 3/9/23 1:46:13 PM
Sweet Cream 1 101 101 3/14/23 9:59:31 PM
Smooth Butter 1 745 745 5/22/23 4:35:36 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,635

Profit/Loss Normal = -544

Profit/Loss HQ = -295

Current Prices

Price History

Siren Cross Server Data for Apkallu Omelette on Aether

Adamantoise 840 30 1,050 840 0 0 0 0 0 10/4/23 7:59:33 AM
Cactuar 699 15 900 699 0 0 0 0 0 5/23/21 10:07:36 PM
Faerie 2,000 19 3,500 2,000 0 0 0 0 0 10/5/20 7:51:13 PM
Gilgamesh 608 21 608 900 482 -558 800 8,199 17 10/17/21 2:20:52 AM
Jenova 1,000 3 0 1,000 151 -950 145 5,922 39 6/26/22 11:43:54 PM
Midgardsormr 45 52 700 45 8 5 8 64 8 11/28/21 2:29:52 AM
Sargatanas 90 49 90 150 0 0 0 0 0 8/15/22 10:53:05 PM
Siren 70 28 400 70 50 -20 50 300 6 8/29/21 1:54:29 PM