Gryphonskin Gloves

Server: Siren

Last Updated: 12/22/23 8:43:30 PM
Search Category: Hands | Item Category: Hands | Sell price to vendor: 83
More Information

Gathering info:

8 781 781 783 743 692 2,231 3 2.70

Level 50 Leatherworker Recipe for Gryphonskin Gloves

Wind Cluster 1 80 80 2/12/25 12:39:26 AM
Earth Cluster 1 82 82 10/26/24 11:39:15 AM
Rose Gold Nugget 1 1,700 1,700 9/10/24 7:09:37 AM
Coeurl Fur 1 105 105 6/17/23 6:50:01 AM
Raptor Sinew 1 37 37 2/21/23 8:57:29 AM
Gryphonskin Elbow Pads 1 261 261 6/6/23 8:42:48 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,265

Profit/Loss Normal = -1,915

Profit/Loss HQ = -1,573

Desynthesizes into:

Raptor Sinew
Earth Cluster
Wind Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Siren Cross Server Data for Gryphonskin Gloves on Aether

Adamantoise 3,150 6 3,150 5,039 1,069 -2,407 1,400 5,345 5 2/14/23 7:04:23 AM
Cactuar 600 12 600 600 318 143 630 1,275 4 11/4/21 2:37:29 AM
Faerie 955 9 966 955 908 -212 908 908 1 6/16/23 6:52:21 AM
Gilgamesh 4,198 7 12,963 4,198 0 0 0 0 0 3/31/23 8:39:19 PM
Jenova 350 9 375 350 357 393 359 714 2 9/16/21 10:54:57 PM
Midgardsormr 6,000 3 14,000 6,000 956 -5,257 1,101 4,784 5 2/18/22 3:44:26 PM
Sargatanas 4,190 5 4,190 4,358 900 -3,447 900 1,800 2 4/9/23 5:25:18 AM
Siren 781 8 781 783 743 -38 692 2,231 3 12/22/23 8:43:30 PM