Coconut Cod Chowder

Server: Siren

Last Updated: 5/20/23 5:31:01 PM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 30
More Information

Gathering info:

20 972 972 1,498 925 25,474 17 1.20

Level 88 Culinarian Recipe for Coconut Cod Chowder

Water Crystal 8 77 616 6/12/24 6:16:48 AM
Blood Tomato 1 100 100 6/18/24 11:26:42 PM
Coconut Milk 1 100 100 2/2/25 9:34:43 PM
Carrot of Happiness 1 350 350 9/28/22 3:55:15 PM
Thavnairian Paprika 2 276 552 7/12/23 1:27:05 AM
Ambrosial Water 1 299 299 2/2/25 9:49:39 PM
Shallows Cod 1 895 895 3/20/22 2:12:28 PM
Fire Crystal 8 45 360 2/15/25 1:54:55 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 3,272

Profit/Loss Normal = 259

Profit/Loss HQ = 809

Current Prices

Price History

Siren Cross Server Data for Coconut Cod Chowder on Aether

Adamantoise 419 26 5,240 419 3,373 1,079 4,990 64,103 19 6/22/23 8:47:42 PM
Cactuar 630 131 1,103 630 943 868 30 56,610 60 6/17/23 2:21:11 PM
Faerie 735 51 7,875 735 0 0 0 0 0 6/9/23 5:56:40 AM
Gilgamesh 1,607 4 0 1,607 12,403 -109 1,800 992,299 80 9/16/23 1:58:51 PM
Jenova 300 18 330 300 1,773 1,198 2,033 154,317 87 10/10/23 11:46:08 PM
Midgardsormr 871 283 1,076 871 1,224 627 730 162,860 133 6/9/23 5:52:02 PM
Sargatanas 32 260 2,309 32 307 1,466 295 52,250 170 6/25/23 8:52:06 PM
Siren 972 20 0 972 1,498 526 925 25,474 17 5/20/23 5:31:01 PM