Garden Beet Sugar

Server: Siren

Last Updated: 2/28/23 2:45:56 AM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 3
More Information

Gathering info:

1204 630 945 630 619 625 603,081 973 1.20

Level 72 Culinarian Recipe for Garden Beet Sugar

Garden Beet 5 200 1,000 1/11/24 12:32:00 PM
Fire Crystal 6 45 270 2/15/25 1:54:55 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,270

Profit/Loss Normal = 476

Profit/Loss HQ = 477

Current Prices

Price History

Siren Cross Server Data for Garden Beet Sugar on Aether

Adamantoise 598 1,789 600 598 605 21 689 304,162 502 7/31/23 1:45:28 AM
Cactuar 777 705 895 777 852 -158 1,100 265,164 311 5/13/23 7:31:20 PM
Faerie 444 383 444 447 530 175 499 35,541 67 9/13/23 1:42:24 AM
Gilgamesh 795 895 795 1,048 909 -176 1,040 441,854 486 5/23/23 2:01:51 AM
Jenova 209 976 210 209 287 410 299 21,018 73 9/13/23 6:15:04 AM
Midgardsormr 403 552 473 403 345 216 300 74,672 216 9/22/23 6:54:59 PM
Sargatanas 1,357 639 1,357 1,900 965 -738 1,359 785,789 814 3/1/23 8:54:21 PM
Siren 630 1,204 945 630 619 -11 625 603,081 973 2/28/23 2:45:56 AM