Ovim Wool Ushanka of Aiming

Server: Siren

Last Updated: 3/29/23 12:47:49 PM
Search Category: Head | Item Category: Head | Sell price to vendor: 371
More Information

Gathering info:

1 14,175 14,175 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 76 Weaver Recipe for Ovim Wool Ushanka of Aiming

Wind Crystal 6 52 312 10/25/24 7:06:09 AM
Lightning Crystal 7 30 210 10/24/24 2:25:04 PM
Ramie Thread 1 1,260 1,260 9/16/23 4:20:59 AM
Manzasiri Hair 1 10,000 10,000 2/7/25 3:42:53 AM
Zonure Leather 1 945 945 2/26/23 9:26:54 PM
Ovim Wool 2 3,204 6,408 6/8/24 10:38:23 AM
Grade 1 Dexterity Alkahest 1 420 420 1/18/22 11:46:34 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 19,555

Profit/Loss Normal = -9,184

Profit/Loss HQ = 445

Current Prices

Price History

Siren Cross Server Data for Ovim Wool Ushanka of Aiming on Aether

Adamantoise 9,409 4 9,409 19,999 6,461 -9,409 9,200 83,998 13 9/11/21 11:11:14 PM
Cactuar 16,000 10 18,000 16,000 0 0 0 0 0 2/15/23 9:11:25 PM
Faerie 31,352 13 31,352 32,550 21,590 -31,352 31,960 107,950 5 6/13/22 8:38:11 PM
Gilgamesh 20,998 8 20,998 0 17,199 -20,998 20,000 85,999 5 11/11/21 4:27:38 PM
Jenova 18,795 5 25,200 18,795 0 0 0 0 0 6/13/22 9:45:22 PM
Midgardsormr 21,000 2 21,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 4/1/23 9:54:17 AM
Sargatanas 19,999 9 19,999 0 19,885 -19,999 19,885 19,885 1 8/16/22 5:42:53 PM
Siren 14,175 1 14,175 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/29/23 12:47:49 PM