Private Moai

Server: Siren

Last Updated: 9/13/23 6:12:48 AM
Search Category: Minions | Item Category: Minion | Sell price to vendor: 60
More Information

Gathering info:

13 315 315 277 290 1,385 5 2.60

Level 70 Blacksmith Recipe for Private Moai

Earth Crystal 7 41 287 2/15/25 1:55:54 AM
Chromite Ingot 2 950 1,900 3/1/23 8:59:27 PM
Royal Fern 1 549 549 12/23/23 10:30:07 AM
Colossus Slab 2 1,999 3,998 1/16/22 12:09:41 PM
Fire Crystal 7 45 315 2/15/25 1:54:55 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 7,049

Profit/Loss Normal = -6,599

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Siren Cross Server Data for Private Moai on Aether

Adamantoise 210 17 0 210 220 67 199 3,309 15 6/21/23 2:47:55 AM
Cactuar 165 18 0 165 121 112 60 1,455 12 9/7/24 4:37:43 AM
Faerie 73 30 0 73 380 204 68 1,903 5 6/21/23 8:39:44 AM
Gilgamesh 840 28 0 840 805 -563 666 6,440 8 6/27/23 3:43:26 AM
Jenova 343 38 0 343 408 -66 345 6,530 16 6/12/24 5:58:03 PM
Midgardsormr 124 31 0 124 130 153 150 2,479 19 9/7/24 5:47:02 AM
Sargatanas 830 19 0 830 1,003 -553 760 6,018 6 6/25/23 6:39:00 AM
Siren 315 13 0 315 277 -38 290 1,385 5 9/13/23 6:12:48 AM