Molybdenum Earring of Fending

Server: Siren

Last Updated: 12/17/23 11:40:00 AM
Search Category: Earrings | Item Category: Earrings | Sell price to vendor: 254
More Information

Gathering info:

5 10,500 10,500 10,000 10,000 10,000 1 5.00

Level 68 Goldsmith Recipe for Molybdenum Earring of Fending

Wind Crystal 5 52 260 10/25/24 7:06:09 AM
Grade 1 Reisui of Vitality 1 138 138 10/10/22 1:26:20 AM
Palladium Nugget 1 209 209 2/24/23 7:59:53 AM
Molybdenum Ingot 1 685 685 5/7/24 12:55:58 AM
Fire Crystal 5 45 225 2/15/25 1:54:55 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,517

Profit/Loss Normal = -17

Profit/Loss HQ = 8,483

Desynthesizes into:

Clear Demimateria III
Wind Crystal
Fire Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Siren Cross Server Data for Molybdenum Earring of Fending on Aether

Adamantoise 30,280 8 30,280 0 36,758 -20,280 30,280 110,275 3 8/16/20 1:28:10 AM
Cactuar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2/8/21 12:46:42 AM
Faerie 38,189 8 38,189 0 40,260 -28,189 40,260 40,260 1 5/17/22 4:17:23 PM
Gilgamesh 3,500 14 3,500 3,500 3,000 6,500 3,000 3,000 1 9/23/22 12:52:12 AM
Jenova 1,254 9 6,280 1,254 6,399 8,746 5,000 31,997 5 8/16/21 11:25:26 PM
Midgardsormr 18,666 4 18,666 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/22/23 9:51:12 PM
Sargatanas 9,001 11 9,001 0 9,224 999 9,196 27,674 3 2/4/22 8:18:56 PM
Siren 10,500 5 10,500 0 10,000 -500 10,000 10,000 1 12/17/23 11:40:00 AM