Koppranickel Earrings of Aiming

Server: Siren

Last Updated: 12/26/23 1:49:49 AM
Search Category: Earrings | Item Category: Earrings | Sell price to vendor: 237
More Information

Gathering info:

6 259 259 14,586 14,999 43,760 3 2.00

Level 63 Goldsmith Recipe for Koppranickel Earrings of Aiming

Wind Crystal 4 52 208 10/25/24 7:06:09 AM
Koppranickel Nugget 1 2,098 2,098 5/4/23 7:59:40 AM
Koppranickel Ingot 1 597 597 2/24/23 4:58:00 PM
Kyanite 2 7 14 6/16/23 11:56:35 PM
Fire Crystal 3 45 135 2/15/25 1:54:55 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,052

Profit/Loss Normal = -2,498

Profit/Loss HQ = 11,947

Desynthesizes into:

Koppranickel Nugget
Wind Crystal
Fire Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Siren Cross Server Data for Koppranickel Earrings of Aiming on Aether

Adamantoise 500 16 500 0 790 14,086 250 3,951 5 9/17/21 8:07:48 AM
Cactuar 10,500 2 10,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 4/3/23 12:34:00 PM
Faerie 5,000 7 5,000 0 4,525 9,586 4,550 9,050 2 5/17/22 4:18:16 PM
Gilgamesh 23,990 5 23,990 0 24,727 -9,404 23,989 98,908 4 6/25/22 6:48:04 PM
Jenova 800 16 800 5,000 692 13,786 850 4,153 6 7/8/21 9:35:27 PM
Midgardsormr 1,000 16 1,000 0 2,247 13,586 1,890 8,990 4 12/6/21 3:58:16 PM
Sargatanas 6,824 7 6,824 0 1,249 7,762 1,500 4,999 4 4/24/23 11:00:00 AM
Siren 259 6 259 0 14,586 14,327 14,999 43,760 3 12/26/23 1:49:49 AM