Cloud Mythril Ingot

Server: Siren

Last Updated: 5/19/23 9:54:32 AM
Search Category: Metal | Item Category: Metal | Sell price to vendor: 8
More Information

Gathering info:

37 6,300 10,498 6,300 5,220 6,000 130,500 25 1.50

Level 60 Blacksmith Recipe for Cloud Mythril Ingot

Fire Cluster 3 56 168 2/1/25 2:20:22 AM
Lumythrite Sand 1 95 95 12/6/21 6:20:21 PM
Earth Cluster 2 82 164 10/26/24 11:39:15 AM
Cloud Mythril Ore 2 761 1,522 9/24/22 12:35:51 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,949

Profit/Loss Normal = 4,051

Profit/Loss HQ = 2,751

Level 60 Armorer Recipe for Cloud Mythril Ingot

Lumythrite Sand 1 95 95 12/6/21 6:20:21 PM
Ice Cluster 3 29 87 2/15/25 2:24:40 AM
Earth Cluster 2 82 164 10/26/24 11:39:15 AM
Cloud Mythril Ore 2 761 1,522 9/24/22 12:35:51 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,868

Profit/Loss Normal = 4,132

Profit/Loss HQ = 2,832

Level 60 Goldsmith Recipe for Cloud Mythril Ingot

Fire Cluster 2 56 112 2/1/25 2:20:22 AM
Lumythrite Sand 1 95 95 12/6/21 6:20:21 PM
Wind Cluster 3 80 240 2/12/25 12:39:26 AM
Cloud Mythril Ore 2 761 1,522 9/24/22 12:35:51 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,969

Profit/Loss Normal = 4,031

Profit/Loss HQ = 2,731

Current Prices

Price History

Siren Cross Server Data for Cloud Mythril Ingot on Aether

Adamantoise 6,000 2 0 6,000 0 0 0 0 0 6/26/23 2:58:12 AM
Cactuar 998 50 998 999 990 4,222 990 990 1 5/2/22 2:13:45 AM
Faerie 7,450 19 7,500 7,450 3,993 -2,230 4,398 119,816 30 11/13/22 4:51:09 PM
Gilgamesh 9,000 15 9,000 0 8,999 -3,780 9,000 62,996 7 8/5/23 12:50:18 AM
Jenova 15,999 31 16,559 15,999 12,087 -10,779 10,498 120,875 10 4/30/23 3:15:23 AM
Midgardsormr 26,246 21 26,246 0 0 0 0 0 0 4/23/23 4:57:45 PM
Sargatanas 10,008 14 10,009 10,008 13,009 -4,788 13,009 13,009 1 1/7/23 3:33:37 PM
Siren 6,300 37 10,498 6,300 5,220 -1,080 6,000 130,500 25 5/19/23 9:54:32 AM