Indirect Wall Lighting

Server: Siren

Last Updated: 2/21/23 11:27:38 AM
Search Category: Wall-mounted | Item Category: Wall-mounted | Sell price to vendor: 60
More Information

Gathering info:

33 14,000 14,000 22,463 30,049 449,265 20 1.60

Level 60 Armorer Recipe for Indirect Wall Lighting

Titanium Rivets 2 5,775 11,550 6/14/23 5:37:39 PM
Crystal Glass 1 2,097 2,097 2/22/23 7:47:10 PM
Titanium Alloy Ingot 2 200 400 6/27/23 2:49:41 AM
Ice Cluster 3 29 87 2/15/25 2:24:40 AM
Earth Cluster 2 82 164 10/26/24 11:39:15 AM
Tallow Candle 8 630 5,040 6/21/23 3:54:42 AM
Wolfram Ingot 2 1,499 2,998 6/4/24 10:24:05 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 22,336

Profit/Loss Normal = -18,176

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Siren Cross Server Data for Indirect Wall Lighting on Aether

Adamantoise 2,899 36 0 2,899 1,317 19,564 2,060 26,350 20 6/23/24 6:59:38 PM
Cactuar 9,867 15 0 9,867 18,320 12,596 9,395 256,482 14 6/12/22 1:24:25 AM
Faerie 34,050 3 0 34,050 20,059 -11,587 14,996 401,181 20 6/5/22 5:12:58 PM
Gilgamesh 39,795 16 0 39,795 37,073 -17,332 39,900 259,513 7 6/12/22 1:35:05 PM
Jenova 5,000 16 0 5,000 5,755 17,463 4,999 115,105 20 12/22/22 1:30:44 AM
Midgardsormr 4,058 23 0 4,058 4,377 18,405 4,058 87,553 20 10/17/22 8:22:04 PM
Sargatanas 3,500 29 0 3,500 11,784 18,963 3,988 47,138 4 7/2/23 2:21:23 PM
Siren 14,000 33 0 14,000 22,463 8,463 30,049 449,265 20 2/21/23 11:27:38 AM