Hemiskin Leggings of Scouting

Server: Siren

Last Updated: 10/16/22 11:39:33 PM
Search Category: Feet | Item Category: Feet | Sell price to vendor: 295
More Information

Gathering info:

6 6,295 15,000 6,295 6,290 6,295 12,580 2 3.00

Level 60 Leatherworker Recipe for Hemiskin Leggings of Scouting

Grade 3 Dexterity Dissolvent 2 97 194 11/2/21 5:39:33 PM
Wind Cluster 3 80 240 2/12/25 12:39:26 AM
Star Velvet 1 1,599 1,599 6/5/24 1:46:29 AM
Hemicyon Leather 2 900 1,800 6/5/24 12:48:49 AM
Earth Cluster 3 82 246 10/26/24 11:39:15 AM
Saurian Leather 1 311 311 6/14/22 10:40:28 AM
Wolfram Square 1 3,461 3,461 6/22/23 6:35:39 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 7,851

Profit/Loss Normal = -1,556

Profit/Loss HQ = -5,451

Desynthesizes into:

Wolfram Square
Earth Cluster
Wind Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Siren Cross Server Data for Hemiskin Leggings of Scouting on Aether

Adamantoise 3,000 24 3,000 3,199 4,493 3,290 3,000 22,469 5 9/21/21 5:11:00 PM
Cactuar 1,969 12 1,969 2,075 1,774 4,321 1,950 3,549 2 5/19/21 4:58:34 PM
Faerie 3,325 24 3,325 5,000 6,879 2,965 6,879 6,879 1 9/26/21 6:44:32 PM
Gilgamesh 9,904 5 9,904 12,795 8,073 -3,614 9,905 24,220 3 5/8/23 3:54:18 PM
Jenova 1,800 19 1,800 2,000 1,884 4,490 1,800 18,848 10 11/6/21 10:45:18 PM
Midgardsormr 6,698 8 6,698 0 5,905 -408 7,250 53,149 9 2/27/22 3:14:19 PM
Sargatanas 3,675 13 4,992 3,675 0 0 0 0 0 2/28/23 7:44:02 AM
Siren 6,295 6 15,000 6,295 6,290 -5 6,295 12,580 2 10/16/22 11:39:33 PM