Expeditioner's Pantalettes

Server: Siren

Last Updated: 2/6/23 11:29:34 PM
Search Category: Legs | Item Category: Legs | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

14 80,000 132,894 80,000 65,768 76,999 1,315,377 20 0.70

Level 60 Weaver Recipe for Expeditioner's Pantalettes

Titanium Rivets 1 5,775 5,775 6/14/23 5:37:39 PM
Antique Rug 1 0 0 3/24/23 9:58:47 AM
Antique Leather 1 39,999 39,999 7/22/22 2:08:11 AM
Wind Cluster 2 80 160 2/12/25 12:39:26 AM
Lightning Cluster 3 150 450 10/22/24 7:18:39 AM
Battlecraft Demimateria III 3 580 1,740 6/17/24 7:32:34 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 48,124

Profit/Loss Normal = 63,876

Profit/Loss HQ = 68,876

Current Prices

Price History

Siren Cross Server Data for Expeditioner's Pantalettes on Aether

Adamantoise 98,669 13 98,669 98,678 92,714 -32,901 93,967 1,576,145 17 2/27/23 3:18:45 PM
Cactuar 95,540 8 95,540 95,550 85,753 -29,772 90,000 771,779 9 6/15/22 6:15:43 PM
Faerie 59,999 18 60,000 59,999 51,667 5,769 61,799 1,033,357 20 2/5/22 6:33:50 PM
Gilgamesh 68,240 9 68,240 68,250 65,223 -2,472 60,000 652,238 10 6/15/22 7:19:52 PM
Jenova 55,000 24 59,690 55,000 53,733 10,768 49,999 1,719,465 32 6/20/22 1:35:27 AM
Midgardsormr 42,000 9 52,500 42,000 48,066 23,768 40,000 961,337 20 2/27/23 11:09:31 PM
Sargatanas 69,994 10 0 69,994 87,165 -4,226 92,999 522,995 6 5/4/24 3:54:13 AM
Siren 80,000 14 132,894 80,000 65,768 -14,232 76,999 1,315,377 20 2/6/23 11:29:34 PM