Cloud Cloth

Server: Siren

Last Updated: 4/22/23 1:24:49 AM
Search Category: Cloth | Item Category: Cloth | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

45 252 252 315 353 300 2,118 6 7.50

Level 60 Weaver Recipe for Cloud Cloth

Ramie Thread 1 1,260 1,260 9/16/23 4:20:59 AM
Cloud Cotton Boll 2 1,480 2,960 6/12/24 5:59:59 AM
Wind Cluster 1 80 80 2/12/25 12:39:26 AM
Lightning Cluster 2 150 300 10/22/24 7:18:39 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 4,600

Profit/Loss Normal = -3,600

Profit/Loss HQ = -3,411

Current Prices

Price History

Siren Cross Server Data for Cloud Cloth on Aether

Adamantoise 1,002 38 1,002 1,002 1,387 -649 1,750 16,644 12 6/26/23 3:37:56 AM
Cactuar 140 65 140 159 200 213 200 400 2 6/17/23 5:37:55 PM
Faerie 3,591 16 3,591 6,300 4,166 -3,238 6,799 24,997 6 6/16/23 11:53:56 PM
Gilgamesh 159 63 159 172 272 194 272 544 2 5/6/24 6:11:31 AM
Jenova 733 40 733 734 997 -380 999 3,990 4 6/27/23 3:54:57 AM
Midgardsormr 194 19 194 195 425 159 83 7,232 17 11/8/23 3:05:08 PM
Sargatanas 525 47 525 52,500 318 -172 498 3,501 11 6/21/23 7:59:18 PM
Siren 252 45 252 315 353 101 300 2,118 6 4/22/23 1:24:49 AM