Oriental Tea Set

Server: Siren

Last Updated: 4/23/23 10:45:40 PM
Search Category: Tabletop | Item Category: Tabletop | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

18 6,295 6,295 14,872 9,995 59,489 4 4.50

Level 56 Culinarian Recipe for Oriental Tea Set

Oriental Soy Sauce 1 799 799 3/7/22 12:11:57 AM
Fire Cluster 2 56 112 2/1/25 2:20:22 AM
Water Cluster 1 94 94 2/1/25 7:22:40 PM
Malm Kelp 1 200 200 5/25/24 3:09:43 PM
Sticky Rice 1 10 10 5/19/23 7:52:43 AM
Thanalan Tea Leaves 1 120 120 5/10/22 7:06:12 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,335

Profit/Loss Normal = 4,661

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Siren Cross Server Data for Oriental Tea Set on Aether

Adamantoise 3,518 11 0 3,518 2,139 11,354 2,999 10,697 5 6/23/23 11:22:11 AM
Cactuar 7,140 24 0 7,140 0 0 0 0 0 5/23/23 10:57:00 AM
Faerie 5,250 16 0 5,250 2,770 9,622 3,100 19,392 7 6/19/23 3:54:51 PM
Gilgamesh 13,797 8 0 13,797 7,602 1,075 11,111 38,010 5 4/30/23 2:22:12 AM
Jenova 1,050 23 0 1,050 2,150 13,822 2,150 2,150 1 6/26/23 12:48:28 PM
Midgardsormr 10,658 14 0 10,658 10,029 4,214 10,000 50,148 5 6/17/23 11:55:28 PM
Sargatanas 1,092 16 0 1,092 868 13,780 1,038 1,737 2 6/23/23 8:43:44 AM
Siren 6,295 18 0 6,295 14,872 8,577 9,995 59,489 4 4/23/23 10:45:40 PM