Garlond Steel

Server: Siren

Last Updated: 5/11/23 11:45:03 PM
Search Category: Metal | Item Category: Metal | Sell price to vendor: 17
More Information

Gathering info:

293 10,481 10,499 10,481 7,417 10,000 407,960 55 5.30

Level 52 Blacksmith Recipe for Garlond Steel

Vivianite 3 199 597 1/30/24 2:51:46 AM
Fire Cluster 1 56 56 2/1/25 2:20:22 AM
Earth Cluster 1 82 82 10/26/24 11:39:15 AM
Cobalt Ore 3 270 810 2/15/25 11:37:55 PM
Coke 9 195 1,755 5/1/24 10:01:46 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,300

Profit/Loss Normal = 11,648

Profit/Loss HQ = 11,700

Level 52 Armorer Recipe for Garlond Steel

Vivianite 3 199 597 1/30/24 2:51:46 AM
Ice Cluster 1 29 29 2/15/25 2:24:40 AM
Earth Cluster 1 82 82 10/26/24 11:39:15 AM
Cobalt Ore 3 270 810 2/15/25 11:37:55 PM
Coke 9 195 1,755 5/1/24 10:01:46 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,273

Profit/Loss Normal = 11,675

Profit/Loss HQ = 11,727

Current Prices

Price History

Siren Cross Server Data for Garlond Steel on Aether

Adamantoise 9,990 126 9,990 13,000 12,982 -2,573 14,000 1,311,270 101 10/16/23 7:09:04 AM
Cactuar 12,599 198 12,599 13,650 10,449 -5,182 11,000 417,968 40 6/13/23 12:46:01 PM
Faerie 17,848 63 17,849 17,848 19,356 -10,431 21,000 270,997 14 5/18/23 3:28:01 PM
Gilgamesh 25,714 1,151 25,714 29,398 22,980 -18,297 27,998 275,766 12 6/9/23 6:37:04 AM
Jenova 13,650 232 0 13,650 12,307 -6,233 13,000 480,000 39 6/4/23 7:52:06 AM
Midgardsormr 13,649 11 18,900 13,649 0 0 0 0 0 6/16/23 1:09:23 AM
Sargatanas 52,415 42 52,415 52,500 12,148 -44,998 23,998 400,898 33 6/17/23 5:59:51 AM
Siren 10,481 293 10,499 10,481 7,417 -3,064 10,000 407,960 55 5/11/23 11:45:03 PM