Walnut Bread

Server: Shiva

Last Updated: 6/7/23 7:58:48 PM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

64 315 730 315 238 695 27,873 117 0.50

Level 18 Culinarian Recipe for Walnut Bread

Fire Shard 1 40 40 10/19/24 1:07:02 PM
Buffalo Milk 1 31 31 10/5/24 9:21:59 AM
Gridanian Walnut 1 139 139 1/18/22 5:05:02 PM
Sunset Wheat Flour 1 90 90 6/25/23 10:15:26 AM
Table Salt 1 80 80 10/18/24 6:42:05 AM
Smooth Butter 1 40 40 6/10/24 9:03:40 AM
Water Shard 1 60 60 9/13/23 8:06:11 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 480

Profit/Loss Normal = 139

Profit/Loss HQ = 535

Current Prices

Price History

Shiva Cross Server Data for Walnut Bread on Light

Lich 473 198 0 473 1,532 -235 1,000 271,316 177 5/19/23 6:30:48 AM
Odin 249 403 300 249 213 -11 300 78,024 366 2/1/23 2:11:10 AM
Phoenix 420 244 1,050 420 1,304 -182 900 43,050 33 6/11/23 5:40:33 PM
Shiva 315 64 730 315 238 -77 695 27,873 117 6/7/23 7:58:48 PM
Zodiark 734 122 945 734 848 -496 698 3,394 4 6/10/23 6:46:16 AM
Twintania 200 171 10,499 200 0 0 0 0 0 4/2/23 3:41:38 PM
Raiden 1,050 2 1,050 0 978 -812 978 8,806 9 6/16/23 6:53:39 PM