Indagator's Needle

Server: Shiva

Last Updated: 6/24/24 9:10:55 PM
Search Category: Weaver's Tools | Item Category: Weaver's Primary Tool | Sell price to vendor: 709
More Information

Gathering info:

6 422,660 422,660 422,695 422,692 845,391 2 3.00

Level 90 Goldsmith Recipe for Indagator's Needle

Fire Cluster 5 59 295 10/20/24 8:50:46 AM
Wind Cluster 5 187 935 8/7/23 10:34:08 PM
Rutilated Quartz 3 32 96 10/5/23 8:47:43 PM
Ilmenite Ingot 2 5,000 10,000 1/19/24 5:03:57 PM
Craftsman's Alkahest 3 18,999 56,997 7/12/23 8:03:30 PM
Gripgel 3 16,000 48,000 5/9/23 4:39:43 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 116,323

Profit/Loss Normal = 0

Profit/Loss HQ = 306,337

Current Prices

Price History

Shiva Cross Server Data for Indagator's Needle on Light

Lich 143,560 7 143,560 0 164,532 279,135 126,724 1,480,792 9 2/20/23 2:31:14 PM
Odin 116,550 12 188,409 116,550 166,161 306,145 179,559 3,655,545 22 2/27/23 3:42:39 PM
Phoenix 235,017 13 235,017 0 224,121 187,678 223,837 2,241,210 10 2/27/23 12:07:23 PM
Shiva 422,660 6 422,660 0 422,695 35 422,692 845,391 2 6/24/24 9:10:55 PM
Zodiark 227,659 9 227,659 0 621,946 195,036 3,018,997 4,975,572 8 7/8/23 9:54:00 AM
Alpha 262,500 10 419,982 262,500 348,499 160,195 487,498 1,393,997 4 9/20/23 8:49:28 PM
Raiden 126,000 11 306,976 126,000 259,882 296,695 120,000 1,299,412 5 2/27/23 10:07:24 AM