Indoor Oriental Waterfall

Server: Shiva

Last Updated: 2/28/23 7:50:01 PM
Search Category: Furnishings | Item Category: Furnishing | Sell price to vendor: 90
More Information

Gathering info:

32 72,821 72,821 71,369 69,359 1,570,126 22 1.50

Level 86 Goldsmith Recipe for Indoor Oriental Waterfall

Wind Crystal 32 64 2,048 5/6/24 9:48:21 PM
Growth Formula Kappa 3 5,668 17,004 2/13/23 5:23:00 AM
Annite Whetstone 3 740 2,220 5/7/23 2:08:48 PM
Ambrosial Water 3 455 1,365 9/12/23 9:35:00 PM
Cut Stone 8 2,518 20,144 6/25/23 2:51:35 AM
Fire Crystal 32 44 1,408 10/24/24 5:04:39 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 44,189

Profit/Loss Normal = -190

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Shiva Cross Server Data for Indoor Oriental Waterfall on Light

Lich 56,833 30 0 56,833 45,258 14,536 56,835 905,165 20 11/6/24 11:05:50 PM
Odin 77,594 15 0 77,594 72,728 -6,225 73,841 1,527,289 21 2/27/23 10:54:29 PM
Phoenix 28,000 35 0 28,000 25,060 43,369 29,999 501,206 20 1/20/24 4:15:24 PM
Shiva 72,821 32 0 72,821 71,369 -1,452 69,359 1,570,126 22 2/28/23 7:50:01 PM
Zodiark 61,947 15 0 61,947 59,084 9,422 58,997 590,844 10 10/5/23 7:07:20 PM
Twintania 67,924 29 0 67,924 59,120 3,445 64,889 1,359,781 23 2/28/23 11:55:32 AM
Alpha 72,512 16 0 72,512 0 0 0 0 0 9/12/23 5:26:55 PM
Raiden 85,049 26 0 85,049 78,418 -13,680 80,999 392,094 5 9/12/23 5:07:03 PM