Classical Hoplomachus's Greaves

Server: Shiva

Last Updated: 9/13/23 8:07:32 AM
Search Category: Feet | Item Category: Feet | Sell price to vendor: 390
More Information

Gathering info:

12 21,767 54,426 21,767 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 90 Armorer Recipe for Classical Hoplomachus's Greaves

Ice Cluster 3 22 66 10/28/24 8:09:26 PM
Earth Cluster 3 16 48 10/28/24 8:09:36 PM
Chondrite Ingot 1 998 998 5/5/24 6:26:49 PM
Lunar Adamantite Ingot 2 820 1,640 5/5/24 6:26:22 PM
Endtide Aethersand 1 598 598 8/3/23 9:31:30 PM
Grade 6 Vitality Alkahest 2 1,693 3,386 6/15/24 1:12:53 PM
Amynodon Leather 1 178 178 5/5/24 6:27:05 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 6,914

Profit/Loss Normal = 33,076

Profit/Loss HQ = 23,085

Current Prices

Price History

Shiva Cross Server Data for Classical Hoplomachus's Greaves on Light

Lich 27,485 10 68,723 27,485 60,440 -27,485 68,647 1,511,020 25 6/28/22 3:12:08 PM
Odin 14,368 8 35,920 14,368 29,173 -14,368 35,942 583,475 20 6/29/22 2:35:22 AM
Phoenix 20,983 16 88,000 20,983 20,667 -20,983 25,000 165,337 8 1/6/23 6:58:26 PM
Shiva 21,767 12 54,426 21,767 0 0 0 0 0 9/13/23 8:07:32 AM
Zodiark 28,999 3 0 28,999 27,934 -28,999 48,999 391,079 14 10/29/22 10:56:03 AM
Twintania 82,292 11 82,292 0 62,839 -82,292 82,596 314,197 5 7/31/22 3:04:55 PM