Exarchic Armguards of Scouting

Server: Shiva

Last Updated: 2/3/22 8:58:38 PM
Search Category: Hands | Item Category: Hands | Sell price to vendor: 390
More Information

Gathering info:

27 5,299 6,428 5,299 6,389 6,420 57,505 9 3.00

Level 80 Leatherworker Recipe for Exarchic Armguards of Scouting

Wind Cluster 3 187 561 8/7/23 10:34:08 PM
Earth Cluster 3 16 48 10/28/24 8:09:36 PM
Dwarven Mythril Ingot 1 1,300 1,300 11/2/23 1:51:04 PM
Levinstrike Aethersand 1 493 493 8/4/23 6:34:48 AM
Saffron Cloth 1 4,699 4,699 5/29/23 10:25:39 AM
Thylacoleo Leather 2 4,714 9,428 9/18/23 12:38:54 AM
Grade 4 Dexterity Alkahest 2 1,982 3,964 4/8/23 7:09:57 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 20,493

Profit/Loss Normal = -10,593

Profit/Loss HQ = -10,995

Current Prices

Price History

Shiva Cross Server Data for Exarchic Armguards of Scouting on Light

Lich 29,170 17 29,170 0 33,397 -22,781 29,579 667,940 20 10/27/21 11:01:44 AM
Odin 8,295 9 8,295 8,398 0 0 0 0 0 3/21/23 8:59:23 AM
Phoenix 4,380 27 5,429 4,380 11,706 2,009 4,889 58,533 5 12/15/21 10:58:16 PM
Shiva 5,299 27 6,428 5,299 6,389 1,090 6,420 57,505 9 2/3/22 8:58:38 PM
Zodiark 20,399 5 20,399 0 13,676 -14,010 14,000 68,380 5 4/23/23 4:47:08 PM
Twintania 5,250 13 9,796 5,250 9,042 1,139 9,000 18,085 2 4/30/23 1:40:35 PM
Raiden 44,100 1 44,100 0 8,999 -37,711 9,000 17,999 2 5/4/23 6:55:13 PM