Factory Beam

Server: Shiva

Last Updated: 5/12/23 11:55:42 PM
Search Category: Wall-mounted | Item Category: Wall-mounted | Sell price to vendor: 45
More Information

Gathering info:

39 3,565 3,565 7,771 4,039 38,858 5 7.80

Level 80 Armorer Recipe for Factory Beam

Earth Crystal 7 29 203 10/28/24 9:33:12 PM
Titanbronze Ingot 4 1,500 6,000 11/2/23 1:20:41 PM
Dwarven Mythril Ingot 6 1,300 7,800 11/2/23 1:51:04 PM
Weathering Agent 1 1,000 1,000 4/2/23 10:57:33 PM
Ice Crystal 7 51 357 5/6/24 9:48:37 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 15,360

Profit/Loss Normal = -10,166

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Ice Crystal
Earth Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Shiva Cross Server Data for Factory Beam on Light

Lich 4,198 25 0 4,198 3,649 3,573 4,300 18,245 5 5/19/23 8:23:50 AM
Odin 3,464 25 0 3,464 3,478 4,307 3,449 38,261 11 9/17/23 9:58:41 AM
Phoenix 2,098 64 0 2,098 3,229 5,673 3,230 6,459 2 6/3/23 12:41:07 PM
Shiva 3,565 39 0 3,565 7,771 4,206 4,039 38,858 5 5/12/23 11:55:42 PM
Zodiark 3,041 40 0 3,041 2,862 4,730 2,868 14,312 5 5/24/23 11:48:23 PM
Twintania 30,044 24 0 30,044 0 0 0 0 0 4/4/23 8:48:57 PM
Alpha 8,075 27 0 8,075 0 0 0 0 0 6/26/23 9:52:27 PM
Raiden 3,990 18 0 3,990 3,839 3,781 3,899 19,195 5 6/2/23 3:46:27 PM