Brick Garden Wall

Server: Shiva

Last Updated: 10/9/21 9:16:41 PM
Search Category: Outdoor Furnishings | Item Category: Outdoor Furnishing | Sell price to vendor: 57
More Information

Gathering info:

10 25,995 25,995 9,954 15,000 199,092 20 0.50

Level 80 Alchemist Recipe for Brick Garden Wall

Lightning Crystal 7 50 350 4/27/24 6:41:42 PM
Water Crystal 7 27 189 10/29/24 1:24:57 AM
Oldrose Seeds 2 944 1,888 6/2/23 10:50:27 AM
Viola Seeds 2 290 580 10/9/21 10:39:36 PM
Growth Formula Kappa 4 5,668 22,672 2/13/23 5:23:00 AM
Humus 2 410 820 10/24/23 1:49:41 PM
Firebricks 10 2 20 6/14/24 10:11:11 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 26,519

Profit/Loss Normal = -19,521

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Shiva Cross Server Data for Brick Garden Wall on Light

Lich 2,685 26 0 2,685 2,308 7,269 2,457 11,543 5 6/11/22 12:38:43 PM
Odin 3,441 54 0 3,441 3,310 6,513 3,277 33,104 10 6/11/22 1:41:39 PM
Phoenix 999 40 0 999 3,398 8,955 3,395 47,573 14 6/30/22 1:27:57 PM
Shiva 25,995 10 0 25,995 9,954 -16,041 15,000 199,092 20 10/9/21 9:16:41 PM
Zodiark 7,725 15 0 7,725 7,368 2,229 7,490 36,844 5 2/28/23 10:21:37 PM
Twintania 138,500 3 0 138,500 98,249 -128,546 100,000 589,499 6 5/31/20 11:25:00 PM
Raiden 11,550 8 0 11,550 9,998 -1,596 10,999 59,992 6 2/23/23 12:52:24 PM