High Steel Gauntlets of Fending

Server: Shiva

Last Updated: 11/2/23 1:01:57 PM
Search Category: Hands | Item Category: Hands | Sell price to vendor: 312
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Gathering info:

0 0 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 63 Armorer Recipe for High Steel Gauntlets of Fending

Earth Crystal 3 29 87 10/28/24 9:33:12 PM
High Steel Nugget 1 208 208 4/29/23 6:09:23 AM
High Steel Ingot 2 494 988 5/8/23 4:06:15 PM
Gyuki Leather 1 435 435 2/23/23 12:51:40 PM
Ice Crystal 4 51 204 5/6/24 9:48:37 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,922

Profit/Loss Normal = 90

Profit/Loss HQ = 7,077

Desynthesizes into:

Ice Crystal
Earth Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Shiva Cross Server Data for High Steel Gauntlets of Fending on Light

Lich 18,533 6 18,533 0 12,317 -18,533 14,999 61,589 5 6/14/22 10:32:41 AM
Odin 11,550 10 11,550 0 9,630 -11,550 10,000 28,890 3 6/14/22 11:46:29 AM
Phoenix 24,149 4 24,149 0 17,305 -24,149 19,795 86,527 5 6/14/22 11:58:13 AM
Shiva 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11/2/23 1:01:57 PM
Zodiark 31,500 2 63,362 31,500 4,998 -31,500 5,000 24,992 5 6/14/22 11:18:45 AM
Twintania 3,000 12 3,000 0 7,650 -3,000 7,775 68,852 9 3/14/22 11:02:08 AM
Raiden 9,000 5 9,000 0 9,964 -9,000 11,895 29,892 3 12/28/22 4:15:09 PM