Grade 3 Vitality Dissolvent

Server: Shiva

Last Updated: 4/30/23 9:47:18 AM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 21
More Information

Gathering info:

14 420 420 222 250 2,226 10 1.40

Level 60 Alchemist Recipe for Grade 3 Vitality Dissolvent

Griffin Talon 1 473 473 4/28/23 2:45:32 PM
Wyvern Wing 2 190 380 6/19/23 5:33:32 PM
Zeolite Ore 3 200 600 10/1/21 3:26:26 PM
Goblinol 2 62 124 5/30/23 1:52:17 PM
Lightning Cluster 3 183 549 5/6/24 9:41:54 PM
Water Cluster 3 40 120 10/20/24 8:51:10 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 2,246

Profit/Loss Normal = 238

Profit/Loss HQ = -499

Current Prices

Price History

Shiva Cross Server Data for Grade 3 Vitality Dissolvent on Light

Lich 420 11 420 524 999 -198 999 1,998 2 5/2/23 12:25:16 PM
Odin 1,013 5 1,013 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/22/23 5:58:50 AM
Phoenix 945 31 1,252 945 0 0 0 0 0 4/2/23 12:24:55 PM
Shiva 420 14 420 0 222 -198 250 2,226 10 4/30/23 9:47:18 AM
Zodiark 187 36 200 187 0 0 0 0 0 6/13/22 10:57:42 PM
Twintania 1,154 11 1,275 1,154 0 0 0 0 0 6/9/23 1:12:24 AM
Alpha 1,499 9 2,012 1,499 680 -1,277 1,400 8,170 12 6/19/24 1:21:14 PM
Raiden 105 18 198 105 0 0 0 0 0 6/16/23 2:49:00 PM