Replica Dreadwyrm Tonban of Casting

Server: Shiva

Last Updated: 4/27/23 4:59:12 PM
Search Category: Legs | Item Category: Legs | Sell price to vendor: 99
More Information

Gathering info:

6 519,747 519,747 498,999 498,999 498,999 1 6.00

Level 60 Weaver Recipe for Replica Dreadwyrm Tonban of Casting

Neo Aetherstone - Leg Gear 2 9,999 19,998 3/21/22 10:51:05 AM
Wind Cluster 2 187 374 8/7/23 10:34:08 PM
Lightning Cluster 2 183 366 5/6/24 9:41:54 PM
Gold Ingot 2 24 48 10/20/23 6:14:34 PM
Battlecraft Demimateria III 3 479 1,437 1/30/24 3:11:49 PM
Platinum Ingot 1 28 28 2/21/23 2:46:40 AM
Arachne Velveteen 3 10,498 31,494 2/28/23 9:47:36 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 53,745

Profit/Loss Normal = 996,255

Profit/Loss HQ = 445,254

Current Prices

Price History

Shiva Cross Server Data for Replica Dreadwyrm Tonban of Casting on Light

Lich 189,114 3 189,114 0 205,054 309,885 200,108 410,108 2 4/30/23 4:53:36 PM
Odin 548,750 2 548,750 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/21/23 12:28:49 PM
Phoenix 314,999 3 314,999 0 0 0 0 0 0 4/28/23 11:38:55 PM
Shiva 519,747 6 519,747 0 498,999 -20,748 498,999 498,999 1 4/27/23 4:59:12 PM
Zodiark 209,999 3 209,999 0 0 0 0 0 0 4/27/23 10:52:23 PM
Twintania 315,000 6 315,000 0 312,500 183,999 300,000 625,000 2 4/28/23 3:51:05 AM