Manor Flooring

Server: Shiva

Last Updated: 4/23/24 3:43:24 PM
Search Category: Interior Fixtures | Item Category: Flooring | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

20 4,999 4,999 21,409 18,150 107,049 5 4.00

Level 50 Carpenter Recipe for Manor Flooring

Ice Cluster 1 22 22 10/28/24 8:09:26 PM
Wind Cluster 1 187 187 8/7/23 10:34:08 PM
Undyed Woolen Cloth 4 1,158 4,632 3/22/23 1:00:02 PM
Woolen Yarn 3 599 1,797 10/28/23 7:37:23 PM
Spruce Lumber 4 2,300 9,200 10/30/23 3:56:29 AM
Manor Varnish 2 787 1,574 6/24/23 12:48:10 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 17,412

Profit/Loss Normal = 738

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Clear Demimateria III
Wind Cluster
Ice Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Shiva Cross Server Data for Manor Flooring on Light

Lich 20,149 30 0 20,149 26,664 1,260 23,499 106,658 4 5/16/22 5:05:29 PM
Odin 9,000 22 0 9,000 15,782 12,409 15,120 78,912 5 10/24/21 4:38:20 PM
Phoenix 12,599 29 0 12,599 34,313 8,810 21,500 240,193 7 2/23/23 10:48:03 PM
Shiva 4,999 20 0 4,999 21,409 16,410 18,150 107,049 5 4/23/24 3:43:24 PM
Zodiark 13,400 12 0 13,400 12,174 8,009 13,799 97,399 8 10/13/21 7:11:09 AM
Twintania 39,991 12 0 39,991 56,364 -18,582 56,547 338,184 6 8/18/22 7:20:26 PM
Alpha 72,326 4 0 72,326 57,721 -50,917 68,876 288,605 5 2/20/23 9:34:21 PM
Raiden 26,249 16 0 26,249 41,183 -4,840 22,222 370,652 9 2/22/23 7:43:26 PM