Aldgoat Leather

Server: Shinryu

Last Updated: 6/14/22 9:06:25 PM
Search Category: Leather | Item Category: Leather | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

1001 136 137 136 183 101 36,599 199 5.00

Level 17 Leatherworker Recipe for Aldgoat Leather

Earth Shard 1 25 25 2/21/23 11:09:24 PM
Aldgoat Skin 1 105 105 2/25/23 11:12:05 PM
Alumen 1 87 87 6/14/22 12:18:24 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 217

Profit/Loss Normal = 182

Profit/Loss HQ = 483

20 Brass Viking Sword
20 Carnage Sword
22 Iron Shortsword
25 Iron Spatha
18 Goatskin Cesti
23 Spiked Knuckles
29 Steel Halberd
23 Wind Brand
24 Goatskin Grimoire
29 Engraved Goatskin Grimoire
26 Viper-crested Round Shield
29 Goatskin Targe
45 Vintage Kite Shield
22 Iron File
27 Iron Dolabra
43 Cobalt Dolabra
19 Goatskin Pot Helm
23 Goatskin Eyepatch
22 Initiate's Headgear
22 Iron Elmo
34 Steel Goggles
37 Boarskin Pot Helm
39 Woolen Coif
40 Woolen Coif of Gathering
39 Woolen Turban
42 Mythril Mesail
42 Mythril Chain Coif
43 Felt Coif
44 Felt Coif of Gathering
46 Vintage Coif
22 Goatskin Jacket
23 Iron Scale Mail
26 Velveteen Shirt
30 Toadskin Jacket
32 Steel Scale Mail
32 Velveteen Doublet Vest of Crafting
33 Velveteen Doublet Vest of Gathering
34 Linen Shirt
37 Boarskin Harness
39 Linen Bliaud
39 Woolen Shirt
42 Ranger's Tunic
42 Mythril Haubergeon
47 Dodore Doublet
22 Goatskin Brais
24 Goatskin Breeches
25 Velveteen Sarouel
25 Velveteen Sarouel of Gathering
25 Heavy Iron Flanchard
25 Striped Velveteen Slops
28 Velveteen Trousers
34 Linen Sarouel
34 Linen Sarouel of Gathering
40 Woolen Sarouel
40 Woolen Sarouel of Gathering
18 Goatskin Wristguards
18 Goatskin Mitts
21 Iron Vambraces
22 Goatskin Armguards
20 Initiate's Gloves
23 Goatskin Lightmitts
23 Iron Scale Fingers
25 Fingerless Goatskin Gloves
25 Fingerless Goatskin Gloves of Gathering
27 Goatskin Ringbands
31 Steel Vambraces
33 Fingerless Boarskin Gloves
34 Fingerless Boarskin Gloves of Gathering
42 Woolen Bracers
19 Goatskin Leggings
23 Goatskin Leg Guards
21 Initiate's Thighboots
25 Goatskin Espadrilles
22 Iron-plated Jackboots
23 Iron Scale Greaves
24 Goatskin Duckbills
26 Goatskin Crakows
27 Goatskin Crakows of Gathering
27 Goatskin Boots
30 Steel-plated Jackboots
32 Steel Scale Greaves
33 Walnut Pattens
41 Boarskin Moccasins
42 Mythril Sollerets
29 Goatskin Wristbands
27 Goatskin Wristbands of Gathering
24 Horn Earrings
26 Goatskin Choker
25 Silver Gorget
31 Silver Choker
20 Goatskin Ring
30 Arbor Flooring
37 Altered Boarskin Pot Helm
39 Altered Woolen Shirt
42 Woolen Tunic
42 Altered Woolen Bracers
22 Iron Headgear
27 Altered Goatskin Moccasins

Current Prices

Price History

Shinryu Cross Server Data for Aldgoat Leather on Meteor

Ramuh 242 271 284 242 208 -59 500 26,332 126 6/15/22 8:11:18 AM
Unicorn 504 157 735 504 340 -321 500 44,661 131 6/15/22 3:55:38 AM
Valefor 315 122 525 315 418 -132 400 4,598 11 6/15/22 3:14:08 AM
Yojimbo 500 275 700 500 807 -317 500 71,834 89 10/15/22 11:50:57 AM
Zeromus 368 85 423 368 322 -185 400 33,266 103 6/15/22 12:16:23 AM
Belias 683 263 685 683 0 0 0 0 0 6/9/22 11:07:59 AM
Mandragora 231 534 312 231 278 -48 300 20,590 74 6/14/22 10:36:40 PM
Shinryu 136 1,001 137 136 183 47 101 36,599 199 6/14/22 9:06:25 PM