Garden Gate

Server: Shinryu

Last Updated: 6/7/22 9:04:30 PM
Search Category: Outdoor Furnishings | Item Category: Outdoor Furnishing | Sell price to vendor: 57
More Information

Gathering info:

18 46,200 46,200 44,579 44,200 222,898 5 3.60

Level 90 Blacksmith Recipe for Garden Gate

Earth Crystal 32 25 800 6/15/22 9:05:33 AM
Chondrite Ingot 8 735 5,880 2/24/23 2:57:04 AM
Pewter Ingot 4 840 3,360 6/14/22 12:18:51 AM
Granite 8 105 840 6/14/22 8:59:49 PM
Fire Crystal 32 27 864 10/7/22 5:54:46 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 11,744

Profit/Loss Normal = -9,794

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Shinryu Cross Server Data for Garden Gate on Meteor

Ramuh 2,993 56 0 2,993 2,799 41,586 2,800 13,998 5 2/19/23 7:42:02 PM
Unicorn 34,629 7 0 34,629 0 0 0 0 0 6/11/22 8:20:44 AM
Valefor 33,600 7 0 33,600 31,399 10,979 29,999 156,998 5 6/11/22 8:09:32 AM
Yojimbo 29,670 13 0 29,670 27,957 14,909 28,400 139,788 5 6/10/22 1:31:07 AM
Zeromus 50,295 13 0 50,295 49,415 -5,716 49,300 247,078 5 6/7/22 10:14:10 PM
Belias 31,498 10 0 31,498 29,899 13,081 29,998 149,498 5 6/11/22 10:08:27 AM
Mandragora 50,250 14 0 50,250 47,302 -5,671 47,757 236,514 5 6/7/22 9:37:44 PM
Shinryu 46,200 18 0 46,200 44,579 -1,621 44,200 222,898 5 6/7/22 9:04:30 PM