Factory Interior Wall

Server: Shinryu

Last Updated: 2/25/23 4:14:16 PM
Search Category: Interior Fixtures | Item Category: Interior Wall | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

15 9,293 9,293 8,630 8,000 25,890 3 5.00

Level 80 Armorer Recipe for Factory Interior Wall

Earth Crystal 7 25 175 6/15/22 9:05:33 AM
Dwarven Mythril Ingot 12 956 11,472 6/14/22 8:58:00 PM
Weathering Agent 2 5,250 10,500 6/14/22 4:18:24 AM
Cobalt Plate 4 2,100 8,400 6/11/22 2:34:45 PM
Ice Crystal 7 37 259 6/15/22 8:38:28 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 30,806

Profit/Loss Normal = -13,656

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Shinryu Cross Server Data for Factory Interior Wall on Meteor

Ramuh 1,000 27 0 1,000 811 7,630 999 5,679 7 1/9/22 6:01:55 AM
Unicorn 10,658 19 0 10,658 0 0 0 0 0 6/18/21 5:22:31 PM
Valefor 9,333 8 0 9,333 0 0 0 0 0 6/18/21 4:57:58 PM
Yojimbo 21,000 11 0 21,000 19,800 -12,370 19,800 19,800 1 6/15/22 8:00:21 PM
Zeromus 4,725 27 0 4,725 3,882 3,905 4,400 15,530 4 6/15/22 9:29:34 PM
Belias 5,250 14 0 5,250 0 0 0 0 0 6/18/21 8:45:11 PM
Mandragora 3,149 38 0 3,149 3,730 5,481 3,940 14,920 4 6/15/22 9:01:20 PM
Shinryu 9,293 15 0 9,293 8,630 -663 8,000 25,890 3 2/25/23 4:14:16 PM