Facet Earrings of Aiming

Server: Shinryu

Last Updated: 6/5/21 6:15:33 AM
Search Category: Earrings | Item Category: Earrings | Sell price to vendor: 296
More Information

Gathering info:

1 20,293 20,293 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 80 Goldsmith Recipe for Facet Earrings of Aiming

Fire Cluster 2 170 340 10/4/22 2:04:40 PM
Wind Cluster 2 135 270 9/22/23 1:53:28 PM
Prismatic Ingot 1 1,155 1,155 6/15/22 12:21:13 AM
Onyx 2 945 1,890 2/23/23 6:16:39 PM
Grade 2 Dexterity Alkahest 1 454 454 6/11/22 6:54:01 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 4,109

Profit/Loss Normal = 1,187

Profit/Loss HQ = 5,891

Desynthesizes into:

Wind Cluster
Fire Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Shinryu Cross Server Data for Facet Earrings of Aiming on Meteor

Ramuh 10,500 12 15,750 10,500 0 0 0 0 0 6/5/21 7:58:57 AM
Unicorn 69,999 7 69,999 0 65,379 -69,999 78,000 980,694 15 2/10/20 6:18:52 PM
Zeromus 7,875 6 7,875 9,240 0 0 0 0 0 6/5/21 5:57:11 AM
Mandragora 5,250 2 21,343 5,250 0 0 0 0 0 6/5/21 7:31:54 AM
Shinryu 20,293 1 20,293 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/5/21 6:15:33 AM