
Server: Shinryu

Last Updated: 3/29/23 7:43:25 AM
Search Category: Medicine | Item Category: Medicine | Sell price to vendor: 69
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Gathering info:

1192 494 893 494 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 70 Alchemist Recipe for Super-Ether

Lightning Crystal 5 14 70 7/23/22 7:17:27 PM
Water Crystal 6 32 192 2/28/23 4:21:25 AM
Kudzu Root 1 158 158 2/28/23 1:59:48 PM
Crescent Spring Water 1 104 104 5/20/21 6:55:57 PM
Chickweed 1 84 84 6/14/22 4:20:06 AM
Nipplewort 1 152 152 6/4/21 3:11:55 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 760

Profit/Loss Normal = 247

Profit/Loss HQ = 597

Current Prices

Price History

Shinryu Cross Server Data for Super-Ether on Mana

Anima 630 5,969 630 630 638 -630 600 316,206 495 6/14/23 1:42:32 PM
Asura 628 2,917 1,155 628 1,066 -628 1,100 425,520 399 5/27/23 2:09:53 PM
Belias 630 1,256 1,050 630 972 -630 1,000 155,577 160 6/10/22 10:00:28 PM
Chocobo 683 2,877 935 683 924 -683 885 1,308,585 1,416 6/26/23 2:48:51 PM
Hades 578 1,726 630 578 615 -578 600 214,245 348 6/27/23 8:45:54 AM
Ixion 493 3,146 815 493 828 -493 939 482,334 582 6/21/23 3:39:42 PM
Mandragora 420 1,295 945 420 948 -420 946 376,750 397 6/6/23 10:00:01 AM
Masamune 525 1,731 725 525 674 -525 680 207,640 308 6/24/23 9:31:35 AM
Pandaemonium 420 1,204 840 420 784 -420 800 233,744 298 2/23/23 7:36:31 PM
Shinryu 494 1,192 893 494 0 0 0 0 0 3/29/23 7:43:25 AM
Titan 315 861 630 315 608 -315 600 217,200 357 5/11/23 3:52:21 PM