Lumythrite Ore

Server: Shinryu

Last Updated: 6/1/23 8:59:12 AM
Search Category: Stone | Item Category: Stone | Sell price to vendor: 3
More Information

Gathering info:

60 The Churning Mists, Dravania
60 Greensward, Dravania Region: The Churning Mists

4148 683 683 677 676 128,084 189 21.90
60 High Mythrite Ingot
60 High Mythrite Ingot

Current Prices

Price History

Shinryu Cross Server Data for Lumythrite Ore on Meteor

Ramuh 770 930 798 770 716 -93 799 257,298 359 9/1/21 7:49:25 AM
Unicorn 682 67 0 682 606 -5 603 201,440 332 5/18/23 10:10:21 AM
Valefor 557 4,355 0 557 595 120 600 182,112 306 6/3/23 2:56:56 AM
Yojimbo 840 241 945 840 724 -163 888 252,248 348 6/17/21 7:09:00 AM
Zeromus 725 2,583 0 725 697 -48 693 154,782 222 4/13/23 2:53:31 AM
Belias 819 675 0 819 784 -142 800 99,680 127 6/27/23 2:36:02 PM
Mandragora 735 1,326 0 735 678 -58 700 290,880 429 4/17/23 9:54:51 AM
Shinryu 683 4,148 0 683 677 -6 676 128,084 189 6/1/23 8:59:12 AM