Astral Birch Lumber

Server: Sephirot

Last Updated: 2/21/23 10:35:19 AM
Search Category: Lumber | Item Category: Lumber | Sell price to vendor: 7
More Information

Gathering info:

49 6,300 10,185 6,300 2,311 8,999 73,978 32 1.50

Level 60 Carpenter Recipe for Astral Birch Lumber

Birch Lumber 2 1,000 2,000 2/21/23 5:52:11 PM
Astral Oil 1 315 315 9/13/23 9:58:40 AM
Dryad Sap 5 0 0
Ice Cluster 2 21 42 10/5/23 8:21:11 AM
Wind Cluster 2 208 416 9/22/23 5:29:54 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 2,773

Profit/Loss Normal = 8,076

Profit/Loss HQ = 12,073

Current Prices

Price History

Sephirot Cross Server Data for Astral Birch Lumber on Materia

Bismarck 6,200 27 6,500 6,200 5,524 -3,889 6,200 93,913 17 10/7/22 12:00:41 PM
Ravana 2,788 67 2,990 2,788 4,083 -477 3,000 228,657 56 9/30/22 11:44:45 AM
Sephirot 6,300 49 10,185 6,300 2,311 -3,989 8,999 73,978 32 2/21/23 10:35:19 AM
Sophia 5,000 188 8,999 5,000 9,300 -2,689 9,400 446,422 48 8/8/22 2:39:50 PM
Zurvan 23,999 15 23,999 50,000 6,629 -21,688 5,000 39,779 6 4/17/22 4:14:18 PM