
Server: Sargatanas

Last Updated: 8/28/23 11:19:08 AM
Search Category: Medicine | Item Category: Medicine | Sell price to vendor: 63
More Information

Gathering info:

226 2,100 2,100 1,742 1,669 1,641,880 942 0.20

Level 90 Alchemist Recipe for Hyper-potion

Lightning Crystal 8 20 160 10/18/23 1:08:20 PM
Water Crystal 8 30 240 10/18/23 1:07:48 PM
Underground Spring Water 2 299 598 5/1/23 3:01:18 PM
Lunatender Blossom 1 698 698 9/10/23 11:01:56 PM
Petalouda Scales 1 433 433 9/3/23 1:40:58 AM
Berkanan Sap 1 190 190 2/10/25 12:07:59 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 2,319

Profit/Loss Normal = -210

Profit/Loss HQ = -111

Current Prices

Price History

Sargatanas Cross Server Data for Hyper-potion on Aether

Adamantoise 2,000 422 2,000 0 2,037 -258 2,200 1,912,808 939 10/31/23 12:13:26 AM
Cactuar 1,110 1,746 2,512 1,110 0 0 0 0 0 3/14/23 5:57:39 AM
Faerie 1,748 821 1,869 1,748 1,646 -6 1,869 1,906,383 1,158 8/28/23 11:21:11 AM
Gilgamesh 400 3,983 400 0 551 1,342 469 826,235 1,499 5/19/23 1:38:09 AM
Jenova 1,155 6,170 2,100 1,155 1,979 587 1,999 5,212,809 2,634 9/19/23 12:56:58 PM
Midgardsormr 1,849 1,431 1,849 0 1,826 -107 1,632 2,404,126 1,316 8/28/23 11:17:15 AM
Sargatanas 2,100 226 2,100 0 1,742 -358 1,669 1,641,880 942 8/28/23 11:19:08 AM
Siren 1,748 2,406 1,748 1,782 1,557 -6 1,750 2,082,293 1,337 1/10/24 8:30:49 PM