Countertop Coffee Service

Server: Sargatanas

Last Updated: 11/24/22 4:23:57 PM
Search Category: Tabletop | Item Category: Tabletop | Sell price to vendor: 30
More Information

Gathering info:

10 21,880 21,880 21,515 21,878 236,671 11 0.90

Level 90 Culinarian Recipe for Countertop Coffee Service

Water Crystal 8 30 240 10/18/23 1:07:48 PM
Coffee Beans 2 167 334 5/29/23 4:59:07 AM
Palm Sugar 2 900 1,800 2/22/25 5:34:19 PM
Sweet Cream 2 133 266 3/12/23 1:55:42 AM
Fire Crystal 8 50 400 10/22/23 10:50:39 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,040

Profit/Loss Normal = -2,546

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Sargatanas Cross Server Data for Countertop Coffee Service on Aether

Adamantoise 1,646 31 0 1,646 1,249 19,869 1,567 23,736 19 2/22/23 9:21:16 PM
Cactuar 1,679 52 0 1,679 2,247 19,836 1,630 24,717 11 2/24/23 8:27:26 AM
Faerie 829 28 0 829 826 20,686 800 5,787 7 12/10/23 1:51:09 AM
Gilgamesh 130 15 0 130 577 21,385 157 3,465 6 6/4/24 3:03:10 AM
Jenova 19,999 12 0 19,999 0 0 0 0 0 2/22/23 2:10:35 AM
Midgardsormr 3,675 36 0 3,675 3,837 17,840 3,499 65,243 17 2/26/23 5:39:25 PM
Sargatanas 21,880 10 0 21,880 21,515 -365 21,878 236,671 11 11/24/22 4:23:57 PM
Siren 597 19 0 597 837 20,918 500 11,731 14 6/12/24 5:40:08 PM