Sykon Compote

Server: Sargatanas

Last Updated: 6/20/23 7:19:35 PM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 30
More Information

Gathering info:

137 367 3,150 367 336 349 2,018 6 22.80

Level 90 Culinarian Recipe for Sykon Compote

Water Crystal 8 30 240 10/18/23 1:07:48 PM
Lemonette 1 403 403 5/28/23 9:59:51 PM
Palm Sugar 1 900 900 2/22/25 5:34:19 PM
Sykon 2 90 180 2/22/23 2:02:19 AM
Ambrosial Water 2 420 840 3/3/23 11:48:18 PM
Sour Red 1 208 208 6/9/23 9:37:31 PM
Fire Crystal 8 50 400 10/22/23 10:50:39 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 3,171

Profit/Loss Normal = -457

Profit/Loss HQ = 793

Current Prices

Price History

Sargatanas Cross Server Data for Sykon Compote on Aether

Adamantoise 2,097 248 2,097 2,730 587 -1,761 500 6,458 11 5/10/23 2:59:44 AM
Cactuar 347 48 524,999,999 347 491 -11 500 11,298 23 6/6/23 2:12:11 AM
Faerie 599 46 2,000 599 641 -263 633 3,846 6 10/23/23 4:14:39 AM
Gilgamesh 475 36 5,000 475 236 -139 996 3,553 15 1/2/23 6:03:35 PM
Jenova 1,000 28 2,000 1,000 673 -664 525 152,184 226 3/12/22 6:38:04 AM
Midgardsormr 95 18 0 95 0 0 0 0 0 9/25/24 3:08:42 PM
Sargatanas 367 137 3,150 367 336 -31 349 2,018 6 6/20/23 7:19:35 PM
Siren 32 45 1,039 32 145 304 230 1,450 10 6/20/23 3:17:51 AM