AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Maiming

Server: Sargatanas

Last Updated: 1/7/23 2:02:55 PM
Search Category: Legs | Item Category: Legs | Sell price to vendor: 650
More Information

Gathering info:

12 75,994 75,994 79,530 77,988 397,652 5 2.40

Level 89 Weaver Recipe for AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Maiming

Wind Crystal 8 50 400 10/18/23 1:07:22 PM
Lightning Crystal 8 20 160 10/18/23 1:08:20 PM
Manganese Ingot 1 2,000 2,000 5/5/23 4:57:05 PM
Scarlet Moko Cloth 1 1,040 1,040 10/6/23 1:42:29 AM
AR-Caean Velvet 2 603 1,206 1/3/24 3:06:08 AM
Grade 5 Strength Alkahest 2 544 1,088 4/10/23 11:48:17 PM
Ophiotauros Leather 1 3,199 3,199 2/10/25 12:10:11 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 9,093

Profit/Loss Normal = 907

Profit/Loss HQ = 32,903

Current Prices

Price History

Sargatanas Cross Server Data for AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Maiming on Aether

Adamantoise 45,711 3 45,711 0 51,629 33,819 45,714 361,406 7 9/6/22 12:59:12 AM
Cactuar 89,299 7 89,299 0 58,773 -9,769 89,298 646,505 11 9/30/22 1:43:11 AM
Faerie 96,999 2 96,999 0 86,604 -17,469 96,999 779,444 9 10/15/22 12:30:56 PM
Jenova 36,743 7 36,743 0 38,650 42,787 38,999 618,406 16 7/2/22 8:21:20 PM
Midgardsormr 33,791 6 33,791 0 30,918 45,739 33,790 494,695 16 6/18/22 11:39:30 PM
Sargatanas 75,994 12 75,994 0 79,530 3,536 77,988 397,652 5 1/7/23 2:02:55 PM
Siren 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/6/22 12:57:58 AM