Honey Muffin

Server: Sagittarius

Last Updated: 5/2/23 10:57:21 PM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

40 2 2 2 1 1 3 3 13.30

Level 21 Culinarian Recipe for Honey Muffin

Fire Shard 2 70 140 6/17/24 5:05:07 PM
Mineral Water 1 190 190 2/1/24 9:02:40 PM
Aldgoat Milk 1 501 501 2/27/23 9:01:18 AM
Chicken Egg 1 410 410 6/4/23 5:39:29 PM
Sunset Wheat Flour 1 2 2 6/14/23 8:59:33 AM
Honey 1 0 0
Smooth Butter 1 93 93 6/9/23 5:54:27 PM
Water Shard 1 62 62 2/28/23 9:53:07 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,398

Profit/Loss Normal = -266

Profit/Loss HQ = -165

50 Afternoon Tea Set
60 Bread Rack

Current Prices

Price History

Sagittarius Cross Server Data for Honey Muffin on Chaos

Cerberus 207 121 0 207 180 -206 180 9,720 54 2/25/23 12:51:55 PM
Louisoix 105 1,182 788 105 90 -104 90 270 3 4/29/23 1:33:44 PM
Moogle 40 143 299 40 34 -39 31 5,109 150 4/4/22 6:45:48 PM
Omega 105 10 0 105 187 -104 450 2,252 12 4/28/23 10:54:56 PM
Ragnarok 945 34 945 947 0 0 0 0 0 3/19/23 9:37:43 AM
Spriggan 50 284 200 50 125 -49 50 31,947 255 1/18/22 9:36:04 PM
Sagittarius 2 40 2 2 1 -1 1 3 3 5/2/23 10:57:21 PM