Purpure Bead

Server: Sagittarius

Last Updated: 2/25/23 12:32:28 PM
Search Category: Stone | Item Category: Stone | Sell price to vendor: 7
More Information

Gathering info:

135 146 468 146 51 76 103 2 67.50

Level 80 Goldsmith Recipe for Purpure Bead

Fire Cluster 2 180 360 6/23/24 10:25:58 AM
Wind Cluster 2 228 456 6/26/24 6:10:03 AM
Purpure Shell Chip 4 0 0
Workbench Resin 2 349 698 6/16/23 9:44:44 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,514

Profit/Loss Normal = -1,207

Profit/Loss HQ = -1,114

Current Prices

Price History

Sagittarius Cross Server Data for Purpure Bead on Chaos

Cerberus 77 105 78 77 105 -26 90 2,008 19 6/14/22 12:55:56 PM
Louisoix 300 222 357 300 205 -249 301 3,500 17 3/2/23 10:49:04 AM
Moogle 242 64 242 243 339 -191 250 7,470 22 2/13/25 7:35:51 PM
Omega 99 44 1,008 99 257 -48 189 15,956 62 6/2/24 5:40:53 PM
Ragnarok 158 77 188 158 98 -107 170 3,047 31 2/27/23 4:58:53 PM
Spriggan 200 47 204 200 234 -149 350 3,511 15 2/28/23 7:42:46 PM
Sagittarius 146 135 468 146 51 -95 76 103 2 2/25/23 12:32:28 PM
Phantom 82 10 83 82 62 -31 70 682 11 3/1/23 12:29:29 AM