Magicked Stable Broom

Server: Ramuh

Last Updated: 2/23/23 3:48:40 PM
Search Category: Miscellany | Item Category: Miscellany | Sell price to vendor: 42
More Information

Gathering info:

1589 504 504 496 499 55,098 111 14.30

Level 50 Carpenter Recipe for Magicked Stable Broom

Ice Cluster 1 0 0 6/16/22 3:59:11 AM
Wind Cluster 1 99 99 5/24/23 12:43:45 PM
Bamboo Stick 5 130 650 12/14/22 1:09:50 AM
Broombush 1 7,300 7,300 12/11/21 3:26:28 PM

Total Price to Craft 30 : 8,049

Profit/Loss Normal = 231

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Ramuh Cross Server Data for Magicked Stable Broom on Meteor

Ramuh 504 1,589 0 504 496 -8 499 55,098 111 2/23/23 3:48:40 PM
Unicorn 630 502 0 630 0 0 0 0 0 6/8/22 9:00:07 AM
Valefor 525 480 0 525 525 -29 490 64,600 123 6/8/22 8:49:33 AM
Yojimbo 945 718 0 945 853 -449 820 118,580 139 4/16/23 3:26:04 PM
Zeromus 735 554 0 735 694 -239 500 102,800 148 5/31/23 3:35:11 PM
Belias 420 300 0 420 400 76 400 6,000 15 6/8/22 10:56:53 AM
Mandragora 210 3,304 0 210 198 286 198 79,408 401 6/8/22 7:30:43 AM
Shinryu 360 1,471 0 360 392 136 394 85,987 219 5/30/23 12:04:53 PM