Plush Cushion

Server: Ramuh

Last Updated: 6/14/22 2:28:39 AM
Search Category: Minions | Item Category: Minion | Sell price to vendor: 60
More Information

Gathering info:

35 3,255 3,255 3,052 3,100 15,260 5 7.00

Level 50 Weaver Recipe for Plush Cushion

Undyed Cotton Cloth 1 90 90 11/29/21 6:31:41 AM
Cotton Boll 1 51 51 11/27/21 9:11:41 AM
Lightning Shard 99 35 3,465 6/15/22 8:08:17 AM
Glazenut 1 525 525 6/8/23 11:43:40 AM
Jute Yarn 1 28,350 28,350 6/15/22 10:46:07 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 32,481

Profit/Loss Normal = -31,481

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Ramuh Cross Server Data for Plush Cushion on Meteor

Ramuh 3,255 35 0 3,255 3,052 -203 3,100 15,260 5 6/14/22 2:28:39 AM
Unicorn 4,725 27 0 4,725 4,120 -1,673 4,900 20,600 5 6/14/22 2:06:21 AM
Valefor 588 39 0 588 965 2,464 800 6,760 7 6/14/22 1:56:36 AM
Yojimbo 1,200 26 0 1,200 1,049 1,852 1,000 14,690 14 5/20/23 1:56:23 PM
Zeromus 6,195 34 0 6,195 5,683 -3,143 5,000 28,417 5 6/14/22 1:13:37 AM
Belias 3,045 19 0 3,045 0 0 0 0 0 6/14/22 3:37:34 AM
Mandragora 6,195 30 0 6,195 4,956 -3,143 5,000 24,780 5 6/14/22 12:45:54 AM
Shinryu 483 22 0 483 658 2,569 560 3,290 5 4/9/23 9:02:02 AM