Kweh-kweh Clock

Server: Ramuh

Last Updated: 3/28/23 6:48:22 AM
Search Category: Wall-mounted | Item Category: Wall-mounted | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

4 19,929 19,929 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 90 Carpenter Recipe for Kweh-kweh Clock

Wind Crystal 8 32 256 6/15/22 8:06:02 AM
Pewter Ingot 2 945 1,890 2/13/23 1:13:39 AM
Blue Zircon 2 305 610 6/13/22 10:28:56 PM
Ironwood Lumber 2 714 1,428 6/10/22 3:36:57 AM
Integral Lumber 4 840 3,360 9/13/23 10:09:51 AM
Ice Crystal 8 39 312 6/15/22 10:44:52 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 7,856

Profit/Loss Normal = -6,911

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Ramuh Cross Server Data for Kweh-kweh Clock on Meteor

Ramuh 19,929 4 0 19,929 0 0 0 0 0 3/28/23 6:48:22 AM
Yojimbo 945 44 0 945 896 -945 550 4,480 5 6/3/23 9:38:17 AM
Zeromus 525 21 0 525 798 -525 500 3,990 5 4/13/23 11:16:54 AM
Belias 1,050 21 0 1,050 1,600 -1,050 1,500 8,000 5 5/15/23 4:02:33 PM
Shinryu 1,259 24 0 1,259 859 -1,259 500 4,297 5 6/10/23 1:40:04 PM