Pactmaker's Raising Hammer

Server: Ramuh

Last Updated: 12/11/22 12:45:48 PM
Search Category: Armorer's Tools | Item Category: Armorer's Primary Tool | Sell price to vendor: 709
More Information

Gathering info:

7 40,000 69,000 40,000 67,246 66,666 268,986 4 1.80

Level 90 Blacksmith Recipe for Pactmaker's Raising Hammer

Fire Cluster 3 53 159 8/10/22 5:54:58 PM
Earth Cluster 3 65 195 6/11/23 3:59:03 AM
Lunar Adamantite Ingot 3 87 261 2/28/23 3:57:00 AM
Integral Lumber 1 840 840 9/13/23 10:09:51 AM
Endstone Aethersand 1 524 524 6/14/22 7:11:38 PM
Eblan Danburite 3 428 1,284 5/28/23 9:34:41 AM
Immutable Solution 2 2,783 5,566 2/26/23 10:49:23 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 8,829

Profit/Loss Normal = -3,829

Profit/Loss HQ = 91,171

Current Prices

Price History

Ramuh Cross Server Data for Pactmaker's Raising Hammer on Meteor

Ramuh 40,000 7 69,000 40,000 67,246 27,246 66,666 268,986 4 12/11/22 12:45:48 PM
Unicorn 42,000 6 58,600 42,000 51,717 25,246 55,808 258,585 5 6/15/22 6:50:32 AM
Valefor 52,500 15 52,500 0 50,749 14,746 49,999 304,495 6 6/15/22 6:12:06 AM
Yojimbo 33,600 9 56,690 33,600 47,796 33,646 53,000 238,980 5 6/10/22 10:07:53 PM
Zeromus 5,995 17 57,540 5,995 58,951 61,251 58,998 294,758 5 6/14/22 9:26:15 AM
Belias 53,235 9 73,048 53,235 0 0 0 0 0 6/14/22 12:03:56 PM
Mandragora 26,250 11 65,623 26,250 62,418 40,996 62,418 62,418 1 6/10/22 11:04:31 PM
Shinryu 49,874 11 49,874 0 48,095 17,372 47,789 240,477 5 6/10/22 10:40:54 PM