Commanding Craftsman's Draught

Server: Ramuh

Last Updated: 6/16/22 3:56:54 AM
Search Category: Medicine | Item Category: Medicine | Sell price to vendor: 197
More Information

Gathering info:

2313 207 734 207 724 700 439,028 606 3.80

Level 87 Alchemist Recipe for Commanding Craftsman's Draught

Lightning Crystal 8 11 88 7/23/22 6:47:45 PM
Water Crystal 8 36 288 2/20/23 9:52:19 PM
Kudzu Root 2 124 248 6/12/22 5:26:56 PM
Lime Basil 2 158 316 6/11/22 9:14:06 PM
Petalouda Scales 2 216 432 6/15/22 1:42:12 PM
Ambrosial Water 2 137 274 2/13/23 9:27:53 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,646

Profit/Loss Normal = -52

Profit/Loss HQ = 201

Current Prices

Price History

Ramuh Cross Server Data for Commanding Craftsman's Draught on Meteor

Ramuh 207 2,313 734 207 724 517 700 439,028 606 6/16/22 3:56:54 AM
Unicorn 207 5,694 797 207 767 517 760 327,060 426 9/22/23 6:48:09 PM
Valefor 311 3,813 823 311 784 413 780 571,208 728 6/16/22 3:22:32 AM
Yojimbo 180 3,506 840 180 863 544 840 1,311,006 1,518 7/4/23 10:16:42 PM
Zeromus 273 2,626 815 273 689 451 290 482,133 699 10/4/23 6:05:30 PM
Belias 312 7,809 725 312 700 412 690 561,536 802 6/16/22 5:31:53 AM
Mandragora 242 6,702 735 242 729 482 700 262,630 360 6/16/22 1:49:21 AM
Shinryu 252 6,206 742 252 730 472 707 1,012,794 1,387 6/16/22 1:17:05 AM