Chondrite Magitek Handgonne

Server: Ramuh

Last Updated: 1/10/22 10:30:16 AM
Search Category: Machinist's Arms | Item Category: Machinist's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 709
More Information

Gathering info:

12 25,580 25,580 25,436 25,000 127,180 5 2.40

Level 88 Blacksmith Recipe for Chondrite Magitek Handgonne

Earth Crystal 8 26 208 2/26/23 7:55:21 PM
Chondrite Ingot 2 105 210 6/15/22 10:44:55 PM
Star Quartz 2 1,239 2,478 6/15/22 5:05:45 AM
Ironwood Lumber 1 714 714 6/10/22 3:36:57 AM
Sungold Firesand 1 34 34 6/15/22 5:14:11 AM
Fire Crystal 8 27 216 10/7/22 5:52:43 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,860

Profit/Loss Normal = 26,140

Profit/Loss HQ = 6,120

Current Prices

Price History

Ramuh Cross Server Data for Chondrite Magitek Handgonne on Meteor

Ramuh 25,580 12 25,580 0 25,436 -144 25,000 127,180 5 1/10/22 10:30:16 AM
Unicorn 17,790 8 17,790 0 12,868 7,646 13,780 64,340 5 5/9/22 2:37:53 PM
Yojimbo 12,600 5 12,600 26,250 0 0 0 0 0 6/14/22 7:52:52 AM
Mandragora 8,169 12 8,169 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/14/22 8:53:21 AM
Shinryu 11,550 5 11,550 0 8,374 13,886 9,000 33,499 4 6/14/22 8:27:32 AM