High Durium Sickle

Server: Ramuh

Last Updated: 6/11/22 9:13:38 PM
Search Category: Item Type: Sage's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 709
More Information

Gathering info:

11 27,699 27,699 23,940 26,580 119,700 5 2.20

Level 81 Blacksmith Recipe for High Durium Sickle

Earth Crystal 7 26 182 2/26/23 7:55:21 PM
Sea Swallow Leather 1 1,239 1,239 6/16/22 8:50:32 AM
Tuff Whetstone 1 893 893 6/12/22 2:13:33 AM
High Durium Nugget 2 819 1,638 6/16/22 8:50:22 AM
Ametrine 2 323 646 3/8/23 3:57:12 AM
Fire Crystal 8 27 216 10/7/22 5:52:43 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 4,814

Profit/Loss Normal = 22,186

Profit/Loss HQ = 21,766

Current Prices

Price History

Ramuh Cross Server Data for High Durium Sickle on Meteor

Ramuh 27,699 11 27,699 0 23,940 -3,759 26,580 119,700 5 6/11/22 9:13:38 PM
Unicorn 22,575 4 22,575 0 25,256 1,365 20,000 126,280 5 6/11/22 8:52:32 PM
Valefor 48,069 2 48,069 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/11/22 8:42:24 PM
Yojimbo 38,829 6 38,829 0 35,187 -14,889 38,478 175,937 5 6/11/22 6:16:13 PM
Zeromus 23,100 3 23,100 0 23,079 840 22,000 115,398 5 6/11/22 7:54:08 PM
Belias 36,729 6 36,729 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/16/22 5:34:39 AM
Mandragora 30,219 6 30,219 0 26,913 -6,279 27,000 161,480 6 6/11/22 7:23:18 PM
Shinryu 34,440 3 34,440 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/11/22 6:53:44 PM