Calfskin Rider's Bottoms

Server: Ramuh

Last Updated: 6/16/22 8:49:40 AM
Search Category: Legs | Item Category: Legs | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

3 512,925 522,900 512,925 393,959 449,999 1,969,799 5 0.60

Level 80 Leatherworker Recipe for Calfskin Rider's Bottoms

Wind Crystal 7 32 224 6/15/22 8:06:02 AM
Earth Crystal 7 26 182 2/26/23 7:55:21 PM
Dwarven Cotton 1 945 945 2/23/23 6:40:47 AM
Megalania Leather 3 1,470 4,410 6/11/22 4:32:24 AM
Calf Leather 2 236,247 472,494 2/23/23 6:25:28 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 478,255

Profit/Loss Normal = 257,745

Profit/Loss HQ = 249,745

Current Prices

Price History

Ramuh Cross Server Data for Calfskin Rider's Bottoms on Meteor

Ramuh 512,925 3 522,900 512,925 393,959 -118,966 449,999 1,969,799 5 6/16/22 8:49:40 AM
Unicorn 630,000 2 630,000 681,450 549,950 -236,041 500,000 2,199,800 4 6/16/22 8:25:05 AM
Valefor 514,500 9 525,000 514,500 0 0 0 0 0 6/16/22 8:13:19 AM
Yojimbo 500,000 9 578,000 500,000 530,000 -106,041 530,000 530,000 1 2/10/23 7:22:56 PM
Zeromus 619,800 2 619,800 0 520,000 -225,841 550,000 3,120,000 6 8/17/22 8:15:14 AM
Belias 682,500 2 682,500 0 569,000 -288,541 568,000 1,138,000 2 6/15/22 6:49:57 AM
Mandragora 618,450 5 618,450 0 608,333 -224,491 610,000 1,824,999 3 6/10/22 10:50:41 AM
Shinryu 598,500 3 598,500 0 606,333 -204,541 700,000 1,819,000 3 6/13/22 8:52:47 PM