Rough Stone Interior Wall

Server: Ramuh

Last Updated: 6/15/22 2:09:45 AM
Search Category: Interior Fixtures | Item Category: Interior Wall | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

12 33,495 33,495 4,378 9,990 21,890 5 2.40

Level 80 Goldsmith Recipe for Rough Stone Interior Wall

Wind Crystal 7 32 224 6/15/22 8:06:02 AM
Lignum Vitae Lumber 6 600 3,600 12/14/22 1:10:38 AM
Granite 8 147 1,176 6/15/22 5:08:04 AM
Mortar 4 788 3,152 6/9/22 11:58:06 PM
Fire Crystal 7 27 189 10/7/22 5:52:43 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 8,341

Profit/Loss Normal = -7,341

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Ramuh Cross Server Data for Rough Stone Interior Wall on Meteor

Ramuh 33,495 12 0 33,495 4,378 -29,117 9,990 21,890 5 6/15/22 2:09:45 AM
Unicorn 11,760 28 0 11,760 11,134 -7,382 10,990 77,940 7 6/15/22 12:39:31 AM
Valefor 28,350 10 0 28,350 23,800 -23,972 23,000 119,000 5 2/20/23 5:50:12 AM
Yojimbo 19,950 18 0 19,950 22,908 -15,572 19,000 114,540 5 6/11/22 5:51:56 AM
Zeromus 25,200 25 0 25,200 27,775 -20,822 27,000 138,879 5 6/11/22 7:15:20 AM
Belias 15,750 18 0 15,750 20,000 -11,372 20,000 100,000 5 6/15/22 6:42:15 AM
Mandragora 6,300 31 0 6,300 11,450 -1,922 12,900 22,900 2 6/11/22 6:48:45 AM
Shinryu 10,500 20 0 10,500 17,480 -6,122 22,150 87,400 5 6/11/22 6:24:17 AM