Yellow Alumen

Server: Ramuh

Last Updated: 6/16/22 8:47:12 AM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 5
More Information

Gathering info:

70 The Inn at Journey's Head, Norvrandt Region: Amh Araeng

1641 200 200 195 200 42,720 219 7.50

Current Prices

Price History

Ramuh Cross Server Data for Yellow Alumen on Meteor

Ramuh 200 1,641 0 200 195 -5 200 42,720 219 6/16/22 8:47:12 AM
Unicorn 158 544 0 158 0 0 0 0 0 3/20/23 7:55:10 AM
Valefor 210 686 0 210 197 -15 200 51,853 262 6/16/22 8:11:25 AM
Yojimbo 235 2,294 0 235 294 -40 260 312,969 1,062 9/25/22 7:40:43 PM
Zeromus 200 886 0 200 189 -5 189 63,713 337 6/16/22 7:23:57 AM
Belias 209 524 0 209 0 0 0 0 0 9/13/23 12:22:00 PM
Mandragora 132 3,193 0 132 0 0 0 0 0 3/9/23 12:46:20 PM
Shinryu 153 2,011 0 153 143 42 150 34,802 243 6/16/22 6:25:40 AM